Mal PMS College
Mal Parimal Mitra Smriti Mahavidyalaya (Also known as Mal College OR, PMS College) is the one and
only available college in malbazar since 1985 with B.A. and B.COM. Honours & General Courses.
Currently this college have only Bengali, Nepali & English Language Mediums for
the studies upto Bachelour Degree with some exceptional facilities.
Rules & Regulations
- Students will do nothing either inside or outside the college premises that will, in any way, interface with its orderly administration and discipline.
- Students must take proper care of the college's property and help in keeping the prremises neat and clean and go green. Any vandalism or damage done to the property of the institution will have to be made good by the student concerned.
- If, for any reason, the continuance of a student in the institute is, in the opinion of the authority, detrimental to the best interest or discipline of the college, the authority may direct such a student to leave the college.
- The students must obtain the identity card within a week from the commencement of the course and obtain the Principal's/Lecturer in Charge's signature. Students must bring their identity cards when they come to the college and produce the same whenever demanded by the authority. Admission into the library, college exams without identity card is not allowed.
- Students are warned against ragging or harassing in any way their college mates. Any student indulging in such activities will be dealt with severely and such a student will be dismissed from the college.
- An Anti Ragging Cell (ARC) will deal with such indulgence, if reported/found, strongly.
- All students are accountable to the Principal/Lecturer in Charge for their conduct in the college. All students must also behave in a decent manner both outside and within the hallowed premises of the college.
- Loitering inside the college building or disturbing classes by making unnecessary noise during class hours is strictly forbidden.
- Students are to dress properly in the college. Specially girl's are warnned for wearring improper dresses inside the college.